
Dr. Rea Pärli

Center Manager - WSL

Since my studies in environmental systems science, I have been fascinated by the topic of cooperation between research and practice as well as participatory methods and processes. In my doctorate, I researched the factors that promote or inhibit successful cooperation between research and practice and across disciplinary boundaries. In my position as Centre Manager of the Biodiversity Synthesis Center, I coordinate and integrate a wide range of issues and act as the primary contact person for our practice partners.



Dr. Karen Bussmann-Charran

Specialist aquatic biodiversity - Eawag

Life under water has fascinated me since my early age. While studying at the University of Tübingen I did research on reproductive ecology at the Baltic Sea, as well as bioacoustics and behavioural biology at the Northern Atlantic in Norway. For my PhD at the University of Basel I studied invasion biology, specifically on the topic of invasive round gobies in Switzerland. The close collaboration with practitioners during this time inspired me to follow more applied research questions to contribute directly to nature and biodiversity conservation. Here at the Translational Centre Biodiversity Conservation I can make this aspiration a reality.


Dr. Sarah Richman

Specialist terrestrial biodiversity - ETHZ

I am a community ecologist interested in the interplay between climate change, shifting species distributions, and species interactions. I focus on plant-​pollinator interactions, both because of a lifelong adoration of flying insects and floral morphological diversity, and because pollination is essential for biodiversity maintenance and global food systems. In my research, I have used plant-​pollinator interactions to answer basic (how are between-​species mutualisms promoted and maintained?) and applied (how do pesticide exposure and climate change affect pollinator fitness?) questions. I am very excited to join the Translational Centre for Biodiversity Conservation and expand my work into the science-policy interface.


Nora Zumbühl

Specialist Policy & Governance - ETHZ

My background is in political science with a focus on the use of scientific evidence in policy making. I obtained my BA at the University of Zurich and my MSc at the University of Bristol. Before joining the ETH Zurich, I worked as a policy advisor to the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA. At the Translational Centre Biodiversity Conservation, I work on the governance structures of biodiversity management and the transfer of knowledge between research, policy and practice.
